U-Design is a powerful and user friendly theme. It could be used by people with no programming experience as well as advanced developers. You can build your site quickly, with confidence and with minimal effort. With such a powerful tool you can transform your site in seconds and have your project delivered on time. We aim to please our clients and so we want to help you with yours.

uDesign – Responsive WordPress Theme
- versatile and flexible slider. It features tons of unique transition effects, an image preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and lots of easy to set options to create your own effects. The “Slider Revolution” plugin has been fully integrated with the “U-Design” theme.
- jQuery Cycle Slider Full Width Image – Slide controls available: pause, resume, jump to a specific slide. Choose from 28 transition effects that could be assigned independently to each slide. Slide link with the option to open in current or new window. Also remove the 3D shadow option is available.
- jQuery Cycle Slider With an Image, Text and Button – Slide controls available: pause, resume, jump to a specific slide. Choose from 28 transition effects that could be assigned independently to each slide. Link button auto generated with the option to open the link in current or new window. Also remove the 3D shadow option is available.
- jQuery Cycle Slider With sliding Images and Sliding Text – Slide controls available: pause, resume, jump to a specific slide. The practical aspect of this slider is that it allows you to create dynamic interactive look of three sliding layers.
- An additional “No slider” option has been added with the ability to add custom text in the place of the slider
- U-Design: Recent Posts – Display the most recent posts with teaser text, author and date info (optional), you also have the option to offset the displayed recent posts from the most current one, use this to omit the first 2 or 3 latest posts for example. In addition to that the widget allows you to select a specific category and all its descendants respectively. Limit the number of words to show from each post. Auto generate thumbnails and optionally show thumbnail frame shadow. The Thumbnails can have any width or height. In addition I have provided a shortcode version of this widget so that it can be used anywhere in the content, not just widget areas. Here’s an example.
- U-Design: Login Form – Displays a login in the sidebar. Users can login and logout directly from the sidebar without being redirected to the default WP login page.
- U-Design: Custom Category widget – allows you to display a single category and all of its descendant categories respectively. This comes in handy for sections of the website such as the Portfolio or Blog/News, where you might want to narrow the categories displayed in the sidebar for the current section to be more relevant.
- U-Design: Google Map – Copy and paste your Google map code to display a Google Map in the sidebar.
- U-Design: Subpages – Displays a current pages’ children pages. The parent is displayed as the title. This widget is handy if you have a lot of pages that would normally take up too much room in the sidebar, so you could use this widget to display a much shorter version of the menu in the sidebar showing just the descendant pages of the current page.