WordPress 5.8.1 Released to Fix Multiple Vulnerabilities
WordPress Update 5.8.1 addresses three security issues in REST API, Gutenberg editor and Lodash JavaScript library. Recommends updating now.
WordPress announced a security and maintenance release, version 5.8.1. It is important to update WordPress, especially versions 5.4 to 5.8 in order fix three security issues.
WordPress 5.8.1 Security and Maintenance Release
It’s not uncommon for WordPress or any software for that matter to publish a bug fix update following a major version update in order to fix unforeseen issues as well as introduce improvements that didn’t make it in time for the major release.
In WordPress those updates are called a maintenance release.
This update also includes a security update, which is somewhat uncommon for the WordPress core. That makes this update more important than the typical maintenance release.
Source: WordPress 5.8.1 Released to Fix Multiple Vulnerabilities
YouTube Adds 5 Features for Creators
YouTube is adding new insights for video creators and and giving them more control over ads and chapters.
ouTube is adding five new features for video creators that offer more viewer insights, as well as greater control over ads and video chapters.
The new capabilities include:
Evergreen video insights
Trending hashtags
AdSense blocking controls
Bulk editing of video chapters
Appeal yellow monetization icons in Studio Mobile
Here’s more about each of the above features.
Source: YouTube Adds 5 Features for Creators
Google search terms report adds historical query data for impressions without clicks
Beginning today, Google Ads will show advertisers historical data for queries that received impressions but no clicks in the search terms report for Search and Dynamic Search Ads campaigns, the company announced Thursday. “Historically, the report only ever showed queries that resulted in a click,” Pallavi Naresh, senior product manager at Google, told Search Engine Land, “We knew that advertisers wanted more data and we had to make investments in our tech stack to show this magnitude of data in Google Ads.”
And, on February 1, 2022, the company will remove historical query data collected before September 1, 2020 (the day before the company initially limited search terms reporting) that doesn’t meet its privacy thresholds.
“Still only providing reporting for terms that a significant number of users have searched.” Last year, Google used the following message to notify advertisers that it would limit search terms reporting: “We are updating the search terms report to only include terms that were searched by a significant number of users. As a result you may see fewer terms in your report going forward.” The new query data still only includes “terms that were searched by a significant number of users.”
“It’s important to note there have been no changes to policy definitions or privacy thresholds that have contributed to making this change possible,” Naresh said, “We are still only providing reporting for terms that a significant number of users have searched for across all Google searches.”
Source: Google search terms report adds historical query data for impressions without clicks
Improve Core Web Vitals on WordPress with WP Speed of Light 3.0
If you have been following Google’s suggestions for SEO, you must have been keeping a keen eye on your WordPress blog’s core web vitals. Core web vitals encompass three aspects: how stable the layout is, how long pages take to load, and how long it takes for enough of the web page to load before it becomes interactive. WP Speed of Light is a WordPress plugin that makes it easier to keep tabs on these three aspects of SEO.
WP Speed of Light has recently received a new update, pushing the WordPress add-on to version 3.0. Since it’s a new major version, the WordPress extension might need some reconfiguration. In this post, we take a quick tour of WP Speed of Light. In particular, we explain why its changes to grouping and minification make the reconfiguration a worthwhile mini-chore.
Source: Improve Core Web Vitals on WordPress with WP Speed of Light 3.0
New Twitter privacy tools to offer better user control
The Chief executive officer of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, previously stated that this platform had not moved much quicker when it comes to launching products. The brand is quite vocal about its product roadmaps. Also, it discusses tools that are still in concept and may never reach the point where they have rolled out. The platform is now focusing on using better Twitter privacy features to improve user experiences.
Twitter is now looking at new privacy features related to who can see a post of users and the posts they are liking. Also, it is offering users more power over the follower list.
The goal behind this test is to help people to feel at ease when it comes to using such social platforms. Executives of Twitter are referring to targeting these tests as the form of ‘social privacy.’
Source: New Twitter privacy tools to offer better user control
WordPress security: Information leak flaw addressed in Ninja Forms
An information disclosure vulnerability has been patched in Ninja Forms, the form-building plugin for WordPress with more than one million active installations.
An authenticated attacker who abuses the flaw could export personal data submitted to websites via forms built with the extension.
The plugin’s developer, Saturday Drive, addressed the flaw in version 3.5.8, which it released yesterday (September 7) after a delay to the rollout of an otherwise seemingly rapid fix.
The insecure code was introduced in version 3.5.5, according to a blog post published by WordPress security service Plugin Vulnerabilities.
As well as updating their systems, Plugin Vulnerabilities recommends that website administrators running vulnerable versions who grant ‘untrusted’ individuals access to WordPress accounts could review “log files for the website to make sure there haven’t been any requests for the relevant path” to exploitation.
Source: WordPress security: Information leak flaw addressed in Ninja Forms
Automattic buys Social Image Generator plugin for WordPress revamp
WordPress parent company Automattic has acquired the Social Image Generator plugin, with plans to integrate with WordPress toolkit Jetpack already underway.
Founded by Daniel Post, Social Image Generator automatically creates social share images for its customers’ social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, VK, WhatsApp, iMessage, and Reddit.
Speaking on the recently announced acquisition, Post said: “I’m incredibly excited to join Jetpack and Automattic so I can continue to grow Social Image Generator and help more people in the WordPress community improve their social media presence and get their message out to their fans.”
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Source: Automattic buys Social Image Generator plugin for WordPress revamp
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Jetpack Acquires WordPress Social Image Generator