Home Latest WordPress News Weekly News: Bing content submission API now available to all

Weekly News: Bing content submission API now available to all

Weekly News: Bing content submission API now available to all

Now you can push your content and HTML directly to Bing Search without the need for crawling.

Microsoft has opened up its Bing content submission API after over two and half years of it being in private beta. The content submission API is different from the Bing URL submission API, in that the content submission API lets you submit not just your URLs but also your content, images, HTML, and more directly to Bing’s index.

Microsoft said, “the API provides the ability for webmasters to notify Bing directly about the changes in their site content in real-time.”

Bing Content Submission API. The Content Submission API is a method that enables websites to directly send content to Microsoft Bing whenever website contents are updated or created without waiting for BingBot crawl. This is different from the URL submission API. With the URL submission API, you only can send URLs for Bing to crawl and index. With the Content Submission API, you not only send the URL but you send along your HTML, content, images, and so on directly to Bing to index, technically bypassing the crawling process completely.

Read more: Bing content submission API now available to all

Google page experience update is now rolled out

The Google News app changes have about a week more to go.

Google confirmed that it completed the page experience update rollout today. This includes the updates to the Top Stories carousel on mobile search but the Google News app changes won’t be done for a week, say Google reps.

Google began rolling out the page experience update on June 15th and told us it would be completed by the end of August. It technically was not finished before the end of August and has about a week more to go, but it is essentially done.

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The announcement. “The page experience rollout is complete now, including updates to Top Stories mobile carousel. Changes to Google News app have started to roll out as well and will be complete in a week or so,” Google announced on Twitter.

Read more: Google page experience update is now rolled out

Why are in-house SEOs looking for new jobs?

Why are in-house SEOs looking for new jobs?

Eli Schwartz, the author of Product-Led SEO, tweeted about some contacts looking for new in-house SEO jobs. Mark Preston, Head of Digital at The Hakim Group, asked in response, “Why are so many great in-house SEOs looking for a new job?” Here are some of the top reasons Schwartz listed:

  1. In WAY too many companies there are limited vertical opportunities for growth within SEO. For someone that loves SEO the only way to keep doing SEO is to move on.
  2. There is not enough value placed on SEO so therefore salaries are arbitrarily capped. The SEO manager that knows they are contributing significantly to the bottom line will eventually get frustrated at not getting great raises and will move on to a company that is willing to pay $$$ precisely b/c they have to pay to hire.
  3. Companies are making employees go back to the office after a year or more of remote work. Those companies are going to end up losing their highly skilled SEOs and won’t know how hard they will be to replace until it’s too late.

What to do now that ETAs are going away

Data from our own contributors have found that pinning ad components can hurt performance: “In our analysis, we looked at ads with at least one pinned component and compared them to ads with no pinned components. Ads without pinning did better on CTR, conversion rate, CPC and CPA. But the opposite was true for ROAS were ads with a pinned component did better,” said Frederick Vallaeys, CEO at Optmyzr.

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Read more: Why are in-house SEOs looking for new jobs?

SEO News You Can Use: The ‘Titlepocalypse’ Update Has Google Changing 20% of All Title Tags

Last week, we reported on the latest news sending the SEO community into a tailspin: Google is replacing title tags with other on-page text. H1s, H2s and even anchor text from internal links are showing up on search engine results pages (SERPs) instead. 

At the time, we assumed that Google was running A/B tests. But now, we have confirmation that the change is permanent. In a Google Search Central blog, Danny Sullivan announced that the search engine is changing the way it generates page titles in search results – which means site owners now have less control over the titles being displayed for their web pages.

So, the question on every SEO’s lips: Why? Why would Google not stick to HTML title tag text, which has been working just fine so far? Well, that’s precisely where Google disagrees. According to Sullivan, many site owners get this text remarkably wrong. Often, title tags do a lousy job of describing a page’s content for these reasons:

  • They have too many keywords
  • They are too long
  • They contain either no text or boilerplate text

More SEO News You Can Use

The Google Link Spam Update Is (Finally) Complete: Google’s Link Spam update, which was originally expected to roll out within two weeks, is complete. Sullivan announced the news on Twitter almost a full month after tweeting about the update’s launch. As a reminder, this update will, in Google’s words, “nullify” link spam, not “penalize” it, which seems to imply Google’s algorithm will ignore spammy links. Also, bear in mind that Google’s original blog is deliberate in the way it presents the announcement of this update, first discussing link-building best practices and then reminding publishers using affiliate programs to qualify these types of links with the rel=“sponsored” tag. The message is clear: Follow these rules, and you’ll escape unscathed (or revert any link spam-related rankings drops when Google reassesses your site).

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Google Has Redesigned Its “How Search Works” Website: Google has given its How Search Works website an impressive facelift – it’s unrecognizable from how it looked before, but the information is still pretty much identical. While the site’s content may be a bit rudimentary for SEO experts, it is still a fantastic resource to share with clients who may be unfamiliar with how Google Search operates. Plus, there’s a reason for SEOs to remain interested in the site: Every year, Google releases some fascinating data on Search changes throughout the past year. The newly-released stats for 2020 reveal that the company made 4,500 changes to Search compared to 3,200 in 2019. And with Google’s recent announcement that new technology is allowing it to make more algorithm updates faster, we can only begin to guess what this number will look like for 2021.

Read more: SEO News You Can Use: The ‘Titlepocalypse’ Update Has Google Changing 20% of All Title Tags

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