Meta rebrands automated ad products, shopping campaigns coming soon
All of Meta’s automated ad products will exist together under the name of Meta Advantage, the company announced. Five of its existing ad products are getting a new name and will be joined by a sixth new-ish product – Shopping Campaigns – set to roll out to all advertisers sometime later this year.
According to Meta, the suite will actually consist of two types of Advantage products:
- Advantage: This lets you automate a specific part of a manual campaign.
- Advantage+: This lets you automate a campaign from beginning to end or part of a manual campaign (e.g., placements or creative).
Same tools, new names. Here’s a quick recap of what Meta announced is changing:
- Lookalike Expansion becomes Advantage Lookalike. This tool helps advertisers reach a broader audience than what is defined in their Lookalike audience.
- Detailed Targeting Expansion becomes Advantage Detailed Targeting. This tool finds additional audiences based on the advertiser’s targeting preferences (e.g., interests).
- Automated App Ads become Advantage+ App Campaigns. This tool uses real-time data to adjust ads across audience, placement and creative.
- Automatic Placements become Advantage+ Placements. This tool decides where your ad will show on Meta (e.g., Facebook Feed, Instagram Stories, Reels), with the goal of delivering better results.
- Dynamic Experiences becomes Advantage+ Creative. This tool creates multiple variations of an ad using a single image or video.
Coming soon: Advantage+ Shopping Campaigns. Currently known as Automated Shopping Ads, this is in beta testing. Meta said the goal of these ads is to help advertisers drive conversions by automating the optimization of ad creative, targeting, placements and budget.
Source: Meta rebrands automated ad products, shopping campaigns coming soon
New Integration For GA4 And Search Ads 360
With the deprecation of Universal Analytics coming in July 2023, Google has introduced a new integration of Google Analytics 4 and Search Ads 360. This integration provides valuable and necessary data sharing between the two platforms.
If you run Search Ads 360, check out these tips and benefits of integrating with Google Analytics 4.
What Are The Benefits Of Integration?
There are several benefits to integrating these two data sources and accounts together:
- Analytics 4 conversions exported to Search Ads 360
- Search Ads 360 cost and campaign data imported to Analytics 4
- Analytics 4 app and site engagement metrics are available in Search Ads 360
Navigating Cross-Channel Reporting
One of the main benefits of linking Search Ads 360 and Google Analytics 4 is its ability to report on cross-channel metrics. You’ll be able to review cross-channel attribution for search ads in these reports:
- Model Comparison
- Conversion Path

You’ll be able to access user, session, and conversion metrics across different dimensions of:
- Source/medium
- Campaign
- Channel
How To Create The Link Integration
You must be an Editor of Google Analytics 4 and an Admin of your Search Ads 360 account to link the two platforms.
To get started, you’ll go to the “Admin” section of your Google Analytics account. From there, you’ll find the link options under the “Property” column.
- Property >> Product Links >> Search Ads 360
There are a few key callouts to keep in mind when linking the two platforms.
- The “Enable Auto-tagging” is on by default. There is no way to change this setting when linking.
- Keep on the “Enable Campaign Attribution” setting. This allows for conversions to be exported to Search Ads 360.
How To Export Conversions
In order to export Analytics 4 conversions, you need to enable the setting when creating the integration link. Simply turn on the “Enable Campaign Attribution” setting under the Property setting.
Source: New Integration For GA4 And Search Ads 360
Google claims it reduced irrelevant search results by over 50% in seven years

Google Search has reduced the irrelevant results shown in Google Search by over 50% in the last seven years, the search company announced. With that, Google also dropped another nugget of information saying they have seen a more than 60% increase in natural language queries.
Irrelevant results. Google is constantly making changes to Google Search. In 2021, Google said it made more than 5,000 improvements to search and ran more than 800,000 experiments. For comparison, in 2020 Google revealed it made 4,887 changes to search.
Google’s changes and experiments are all aimed at improving search quality and relevancy. Google said that the 50% decrease in irrelevant search results over the past seven years is measured based on internal metrics based on quality rater data. There is no independent source for this metric, but these are internal metrics Google uses to measure the relevancy of its own search results.
Natural language queries. The other metric, that there is over a 60% increase in people entering queries into the Google search box using natural language is interesting. Google said that they have “seen people’s search queries evolve, too.” “Since 2015, we’ve seen a more than 60% increase in natural language queries in search,” Google wrote.
So if you write your content, like people normally write and speak, then you should do well in Google Search. Google wrote “this means people can find what they need more easily, and using language that’s closer to the way we normally write and speak.”
Source: Google claims it reduced irrelevant search results by over 50% in seven years
New Google Algorithm Update Aimed At Product Reviews

Google launches a third product review algorithm update in search results, which builds off of the product review updates introduced last year.
New Guidance From Google For Writing Product Reviews
With the rollout of the March 2022 product algorithm update, Google is publishing new guidance on writing reviews to ensure they meet the search engine’s quality threshold.
Google recommends meeting the following criteria when creating product reviews:
- Include helpful in-depth details, like the benefits or drawbacks of a certain item, specifics on how a product performs or how the product differs from previous versions
- Come from people who have actually used the products, and show what the product is physically like or how it’s used
- Include unique information beyond what the manufacturer provides — like visuals, audio or links to other content detailing the reviewer’s experience
- Cover comparable products, or explain what sets a product apart from its competitors
Google’s Guidance For Reviews With Multiple Products
If you’re writing a review of multiple products with the intention to recommend a “best” product overall, Google has additional guidance.
When recommending a product as the best overall, or the best for a certain purpose, be sure to include the following information in your review:
- What sets the product apart from others in the market
- Why is the product particularly suited for its recommended purpose?
- First-hand evidence to support your claims
Lastly, Google adds it’s perfectly fine to create reviews for products individually, even if they’ve also been reviewed in a ranked list.
Should you choose to create multiple reviews, make sure there is enough useful content for each of them to stand on their own. Don’t just repeat the same points you already made.
Source: New Google Algorithm Update Aimed At Product Reviews
Google releases Partner Program directory in latest effort to rebuild program

Google on Wednesday released a new directory of agencies and marketers participating in its Partners program so that companies looking to hire Google Ads experts have an easy resource to turn to.
However, for search marketers, the announcement meant a bit more: A recommitment to a program that previously lost a lot of good faith with marketers.
What happened? In February 2020, Google said it planned to change the requirements for participating partners, which included the doubling of the 90-day spending threshold. They also set an optimization score bar that would have disqualified half of the existing participants if they didn’t implement Google’s recommendations on behalf of their clients. The PPC community pushed back. Google never made those changes and ended up delaying the release of the revamped program for two years until its relaunch this past February.
What are the new requirements? Google settled on the following requirements to participate:
- Achieve an optimization score of 70%.
- Spend $10,000 across all of a partner’s managed accounts within a 90-day period.
- Have at least 50% of designated account strategists certified in Google Ads, with at least one certification in each product area (Search, Display, Video, etc.) with campaign spend of $500 (or more) in 90 days.
- The ability to dismiss recommendations without them counting against your Optimization score
Source: Google releases Partner Program directory in latest effort to rebuild program
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