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Weekly News: Google Ads Performance Max New Features & Best Practices

Google Ads Performance Max New Features & Best Practices

Google is upgrading Performance Max campaigns with a series of new features and offering best practices specific to promoting holiday sales.

google ads performance max

Google is rolling out new features for Performance Max campaigns and sharing best practices to help marketers promote holiday sales more efficiently.

New Features For Google Ads Performance Max Campaigns

Compatibility With Performance Planner

Advertisers can now forecast the results of Performance Max campaigns with the Google Ads Performance Planner tool.

Performance Planner was previously available for Search, Shopping, Display, App, Video, and Local campaigns. Now it’s compatible with Performance Max.

Google states in an announcement:


Asset Group Scheduling

Asset groups in Performance Max can now have automated rules. This allows you to schedule your campaign to utilize asset groups when needed.

With automated rules, you can set ads to run at specific times of the day. You can also schedule asset groups, such as preparing a set of holiday-themed assets ahead of a special sale.

More Headlines

Google is increasing the number of test headlines you can upload to Performance Max asset groups from five to 15.

Adding more headlines enables Google to test more combinations and find the ones that perform best.

Read more:  Weekly News: 3 ways to optimize internal linking

Explanations For Online Sales Campaigns

Google is adding new explanations specific to Performance Max campaigns for online sales with a product feed.

When running a Performance Max campaign for an online sale, you may see explanations that offer an analysis of your product status and top sellers.

With this data, retailers can understand better which products had the most significant sales spike during the holiday shopping season.

First-Party Audience Insights

Advertisers can add data segments as audience signals in Performance Max campaigns, which helps Google find more customers who are likely to convert.

Data segments will be added to audience insights on the Insights page in the coming weeks. This allows you to learn more from the data you’re collecting firsthand and see which of your customer lists are converting best.

Read more: Google Ads Performance Max New Features & Best Practices

Google Pushes Universal Analytics 360 Sunset To 2024

Google is giving enterprise marketers more time to switch to GA4 by moving the sunset date of Universal Analytics 360 to 2024.

google analytics 360

Google is pushing the sunset date of Universal Analytics 360 to 2024, giving enterprise users more time to transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

The last day to switch from Universal Analytics 360 to GA4 is changing from October 1, 2023, to July 1, 2024.

For clarity, this refers to the enterprise version of Universal Analytics.

As announced earlier this year, Google is still planning to sunset standard Universal Analytics properties on July 1, 2023.

The extra time to switch from Universal Analytics 360 allows enterprise customers to transition smoothly. It also allows Google more time to develop GA4 into a product built for enterprises.

Read more:  Weekly News: Google Ads Reach Planner now forecasts Video Action campaigns

In an announcement, Google states:

“We’re focusing our efforts and investments on Google Analytics 4 to deliver a solution built to adapt to a changing ecosystem. Because of this, throughout 2023 we’ll be shifting support away from Universal Analytics 360 and will move our full focus to Google Analytics 4 in 2024.”

Read more: Google Pushes Universal Analytics 360 Sunset To 2024

The WordPress Community Isn’t Ready to Leave Twitter

Elon Musk bought Twitter a $44B deal that closed this week, tweeting “Let the good times roll,” on Friday after taking the helm. Musk fired top executives at the company and tweeted an appeal to Twitter’s advertisers to share his motivation in acquiring what is arguably the world’s most important social network:

“The reason I acquired Twitter is that it is important to the future of civilization to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence,” Musk said. “There is currently great danger that social media will splinter into far right-wing and far left-wing echo chambers that generate more hate and divide our society.”

Musk also hinted at the importance of content moderation, saying “Twitter obviously cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences!” The company is forming a council to discuss content moderation, but nobody knows what that will mean for the future of Twitter.

While the WordPress community has many online gathering places – various Slack workspaces, P2 blogs, and Facebook groups – it has always been Twitter that served as the place for both casual interactions and breaking news. It is the de facto social network for those working in tech. There are many who only use the platform for keeping up with WordPress news and the community.

Read more:  Weekly News: Microsoft FY23 Q1: LinkedIn up 17%, search and news revenue up 11%

“There’s nowhere else to really go!” WordPress product designer Mike McAlister said. “WordPress people are pretty much exclusively on Twitter it seems.”

Read more: The WordPress Community Isn’t Ready to Leave Twitter

Google: Human Written Content Doesn’t Necessarily Make The Content Useful Or Helpful

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Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that just because a piece of content is written by a human, it does not make that content necessarily helpful and good content. Having a human write content won’t guarantee the content ranks well in Google Search.

John said, “Just because something is human-written doesn’t make it helpful & good content.” Instead, John suggested that you “focus on making things awesome, unique, compelling, that people recommend to friends – not just something that’s technically ok.”

“Google spam update is punishing a lot of human written content, I am sure this update must be very helpful for consumers out there, but for sure the update needs a lot of correction.”

“sounds to me that the update doesn’t care about ‘human-written’ or ‘AI-written’ as long as it’s awesome, unique, and compelling. There’s hope for AI yet.”

Read more: Google: Human Written Content Doesn’t Necessarily Make The Content Useful Or Helpful

More news:

Google Ads podcast placement is now available

Microsoft FY23 Q1: LinkedIn up 17%, search and news revenue up 11%

Google October 2022 spam update done rolling out in less than 48 hours

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