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Weekly News: Google addresses Impression Share and Auction Insights reporting issue

Weekly News: Google addresses Impression Share and Auction Insights reporting issue

Google addresses Impression Share and Auction Insights reporting issue

Google has just announced an issue regarding Impression Share and Auction Insights reporting data.

incident affecting google ads

What Google says. This has been a known issue since August 3 and Google is working on a resolution. An update will be provided by August 6. Google says the issue has no impact on ad serving or automated bidding strategies.

Advertisers experiencing issues with either of these data reports should keep checking the ads status dashboard for updates.

Source: Google addresses Impression Share and Auction Insights reporting issue

WordPress Gutenberg 13.8 facilitates excellent editing flexibility

wordpress gutenberg 13.8

Gutenberg 13.8 offers an enhancement in accessibility and design options. The 13.8 version of WordPress Gutenberg is here. It unpacks further enhancements to the GB block editor.

Among all the improvements, some of them are trivial. For instance, including the WhatsApp icon in Social Icon Block is possible.

Besides, other improvements are also there as they are helpful for the designers. The template designers not can offer more options for designs to the users.

The most important feature is that it allows you to see the template parts at ease. From the block inserter, you can insert these parts. This helps the template designers to make it easier for the users to select variations. The designers can leverage patterns and variations to promote flexibility for the users.

The new WordPress Gutenberg version works fine with different classic themes and blocks. The crop tools work great without and with the custom border. The color of the custom border works fine in the editor and the site editor. When it comes to global styles, the image border works out fine.

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Variations are available in block inserters. Thus, it is easy to add “Newsletter Subscription”, “Footer”, or “Header” template parts. Another important inclusion is the addition of search functionality. It enables to locate and make use of particular template parts.

The Image segment supports the array of width, style, color, and border controls. The custom border color works niche in the side editor and the editor.

WordPress Gutenberg 13.8 ships with accessibility improvements. You can add tooltips. The experts have fixed the mismatch between the aria-label and visible text. The team has also removed the React fragments from the block library. This contributes to SEO.

Source: WordPress Gutenberg 13.8 facilitates excellent editing flexibility

Google Keyword Planner gets a new feature

Technically the new feature was released in 2021, but only to a small number of users. But now Google is slowly ramping up a tool they label “Organise keywords into ad groups.” This was first brought to our attention on Twitter by Tauqueer Aziz, and confirmed by a Google spokesperson today.

tauqeer aziz

What Google says. Google confirmed the new feature in a statement today:

“You could always manually choose to add keywords to ad groups (manually picking which ones to add where). This feature adds the ability to use an automated machine learning system where we suggest which ad groups are the best ones for the keywords, instead of you manually doing the placement.
This should hopefully save advertisers time and effort if they have thousands of keywords/ad groups to sift through. The ability to manually add keywords still exists.”

This new feature aims to save advertisers time by automatically allocating keywords into relevant ad groups. But just like with most automation, use with caution. Test, analyze, and adjust as necessary.

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Source: Google Keyword Planner gets a new feature

July 2022 Google Product Reviews Update Finished On August 2nd & No One Said Anything

google product review update

So Google has finished the rollout of the July 2022 Google Product Reviews Update in a record-breaking fashion, in a six-day period. It even shocked Google because Google originally estimated 14-21 days for the rollout and Google didn’t even mention anything on its social channels about the update being done rolling out.

Instead, Google simply and quietly updated its updates page to write “the rollout was complete as of August 2, 2022.”

Just a reminder, this July 2022 Product Reviews update was the fourth product reviews update, the previous three versions were the April 2021 Product Reviews Update, the December 2021 Product Reviews Update and the March 2022 Product Reviews Update.

Some savvy SEOs noticed big hits on specific sites on Friday, July 29th, but I would say overall, this update had much less chatter from within the SEO community than all previous product review updates. We then saw some tools light up on August 3rd but clearly, that was not this update because the product reviews update was finished the day before.

Google Product Reviews Update Quick Facts

Here are the most important things that we know right now in short form:

  • Name: Google July 2022 Product Reviews Update
  • Launched: July 27, 2022, at around 1:30 pm ET
  • Finished: August 2, 2022
  • Targets: It looks at product review content
  • Penalty: It is not a penalty, it promotes or rewards “insightful analysis and original research.”
  • Not a core update: Many are going to say this is a core update, it is not.
  • English Language but will expand: This is only looking at English-language content right now but likely will expand to other languages, this is a global launch. I am surprised it is still only English but it is, as we documented below.
  • Impact: Google would not tell me what percentage of queries or searches were impacted by this update.
  • Discover: This update can impact your performance in Google Discover, Google previously said.
  • Recover: If you were hit by this, then you will need to look at your content and see if you can do better with Google’s advice below
  • Refreshes: Google will do periodic refreshes to this algorithm but may not communicate those updates in the future. This may be the first refresh that Google has done, it is the first refresh Google communicated about.
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Google Tracking Tools

The update took only six days, you can see that the tracking tools in aggregate form, did not show much volatility over those 6 days:

Semrush and when you toggle it to just Shopping, things get a bit hotter.

google tracking tool

Source: July 2022 Google Product Reviews Update Finished On August 2nd & No One Said Anything

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