Google Search Console compare feature in performance reports
Google has a compare feature in the Search Console performance report. This compare feature seems to allow you to compare by query or pages across clicks, impressions and other metrics.
It turns out this is not new, it has been around for a while and I had some brain fog. I have updated the story to reflect this is not new and decided to leave it up, as it may help others.
What it looks like. Andrew Shotland shared screenshots of this on Twitter showing how the compare feature lets you put in two parameters or strings and compare them against each other. In this example, he is comparing queries containing “new” versus queries containing “tool”.
Here is the comparison tool that you can find when going into any of these parameters.

Here is the report that it generates after you apply these parameters:

More details. There is a help document available that has more details on this saying:
You can compare data between two values in any one grouping dimension, whether or not it is the currently selected grouping. For example, when grouped by Query you can compare clicks between two dates (this week vs last week), or two countries (USA vs France). Comparing by page or search appearance can change the metric calculation for CTR, impressions, and clicks. When comparing values for a single metric, the results table will display a Difference column to compare values in each row.
To compare group data:
- Filters manage comparison (for example, Date or Search type). Either edit an existing filter or click New to add a new filter.
- In the filter properties dialog box, choose Compare.
- Add the dimensions or times to compare, and click Apply.
- You can have only one comparison at a time. Adding a new comparison filter will replace an existing comparison. For example, if you compare dates and then add a comparison between countries, the country comparison will replace the date comparison.
Source: Google Search Console compare feature in performance reports
Search marketers agree: automation is the least favorite part of PPC
Whether you love it or hate it, PPC is a part of digital marketing that just isn’t going away any time soon. I’ve been working in PPC for over 10 years and I’ve seen it all. ETA’s, RSA’s, cost-per-touch? (looking at you, Apple), broad match modifiers (RIP), and attribution to name just a few of the most recent changes.
Earlier this month we asked you “What’s your least favorite part of PPC?”
We received an overwhelming number of answers ranging in everything from Google support to agencies (no offense taken), to clients with unrealistic expectations. But one answer stuck out: Google automation.
Let’s dive in.
Automation can be your best friend or a nightmare. Learning how to navigate and find a balance between machine learning and manual management has been on a lot of marketers’ minds lately. (Did you catch Brad Geddes’s keynote on day 2 of SMX Advanced?)
Here’s what you said:
- “Constantly having control of what we’re doing taken away through automation.”
- “Everything becoming more automated, broad targeting, less insight in data and overall less control over your campaigns.”
- “Gradual loss of control over targeting over the years. Search engines introducing changes that will clearly harm performance but selling them to advertisers as “upgrades.”
- “Giving all control to Google with Smart bidding, dynamic ads, and lack of reporting while also seeing prices increase year over year!”
- “Google forcing automation on those of us that don’t want it.”
- “My biggest frustration is consistent pressure to relinquish control of performance to the platforms by adding automation features and broadening our targeting.
Google support. Many of the answers we received specifically named Google support as lacking when it comes to offering help. As hard as they may try, most times they miss the mark.
- “Google reps that just tell you to apply everything from the Recommendations tab and offer no additional insight or guidance. I don’t need a call to tell me to look at the Recommendations tab and I’ll apply recommendations that are appropriate, not just to improve a nonsense account score.”
- “Google’s lack of transparency and their account managers chasing me to increase daily budgets!”
- “My least favorite part in PPC are the Google Representatives that keep calling you even in the middle of the night. Although, there are times that their advice makes sense most of the time it will just drain your budget. They’re just very annoying, to be honest. I get more sensible recommendations on Facebook Groups than their Representatives.”
Source: Search marketers agree: automation the least favorite part of PPC
Google Search Expands Scrollable Right Panel

On April 1st we caught Google testing a scrollable right-side panel for related images. Well, it seems like that test was not just for images but also for other blocks like knowledge panels, featured snippets and other image features.
Both Brodie Clark and Khushal Bherwani shared examples of this on Twitter.
Here is Brodie Clark’s cast of this as he posted on Twitter where he said “Big changes could be coming to how images are viewed in Search. We’ve seen it for free product listings, Google Lens, and image packs. Scrollable popup feeds are now being tested for images in Featured Snippets & Knowledge Panels. More info + examples: brodieclark.com/notes.”

Here is Khushal Bherwani videocast of this as he posted on Twitter where he said “This is how the new test of Images preview works on google desktop SERP you can see Related images while scrolling down.”

Source: Google Search Expands Scrollable Right Panel
Facebook To Restructure Main Feed Around Video Content
A leaked internal memo reveals Facebook’s near-term plans to restructure its main feed around video content, such as Reels and stories.
Facebook plans to turn its main feed into a ‘discovery engine’ for video content, according to an internal memo sent to employees.
The Verge obtained the memo and published it in its entirety. Though the memo is being revealed today for the first time, it was first sent on April 27.
That means Facebook is already a month and a half into executing its ‘near-term’ plans. We may end up seeing these changes roll out sooner than later.
Here are the must-know highlights from the memo written by Tom Alison, head of Facebook.
Enhancing Content Discoverability
The buzzword Facebook is throwing around to describe its vision is ‘discovery engine.’
Alison says that’s what he wants to turn Facebook into—a place where people can go and get recommendations for content they’re likely to enjoy.
He lists three near-term priorities that will help Facebook realize its vision:
- Make Reels successful.
- Build world-class recommendations technology.
- Unlock messaging-based sharing.
Turning Facebook into a ‘discovery engine’ simply means recommending more content from accounts users aren’t connected to.
How Does This Satisfy Facebook’s Top Three Priorities?
Make Reels Successful
While Facebook plans to enhance the discoverability of all content, it identifies its biggest gap as short-form video.
To fill that gap, Facebook is making Reels more discoverable by integrating the short videos in more sections throughout the website.
Build World-Class Recommendation Technology
To accomplish its goal of becoming a discovery engine, Facebook plans to develop a recommendation system that’s responsive to peoples’ interests, able to identify trending content, and capable of making responsible selections.
Unlock Messaging-Based Sharing
People are increasingly sharing and discovering content privately through messenger, rather than publicly in the main feed.
Facebook plans to lean into that by enabling more ways to share content through its messaging apps.
When Will These Changes Roll Out?
It’s not known when the transition to Facebook as a discovery engine will take place, though Alison sounds eager to execute his vision.
The best way to prepare for this change, if Facebook is a priority for you and your business, is to get comfortable with creating and publishing more short-form videos.
While Facebook will continue to surface text and photo posts, they’ll be ancillary to the main attractions of Reels and stories.
Source: Facebook To Restructure Main Feed Around Video Content
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