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top: -10px; right: -10px; color: #fff; text-align: center; line-height: 23px; font-size: 17px; border-radius: 50%; cursor: pointer; } .content-popup-vr .close-popup-vr:hover { background: #b50000; } .content-popup-vr .content-popup-div-vr { width: 100%; padding: 25px; } .content-popup-vr .content-popup-img-vr { width: 100%; max-width: 45%; border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px; overflow: hidden; } #loco-top, #loco-bottom { display: block; } #loco-top .content-popup-img-vr, div#popup-form-contact-vr #loco-bottom .content-popup-img-vr { max-width: 100%; text-align: center; } #contact-showroom.no-event a { pointer-events: none; } .content-popup-vr .content-popup-div-vr ul {color: #333;list-style: none;font-size: 15px;} @media(max-width: 673px){ div#popup-form-contact-vr .content-popup-vr { display: block; } div#popup-form-contact-vr .content-popup-vr .content-popup-img-vr { max-width: 100%; display: none; } } Weekly News: Google multisearch – search by image and text at the same time - TopListWP
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Weekly News: Google multisearch – search by image and text at the same time

Google multisearch – search by image and text at the same time

Google multisearch is Google’s latest innovative search feature that let’s you search by image and then add text to that specific image search. Google says this lets searchers “go beyond the search box and ask questions about what you see.”

What is Google multisearch. Google multisearch lets you use your camera’s phone to search by an image, powered by Google Lens, and then add an additional text query on top of the image search. Google will then use both the image and the text query to show you visual search results.

How Google multisearch works. Open the Google app on Android or iOS, click on the Google Lens camera icon on the right side of the search box. Then point the camera at something nearby or use a photo in your camera or even take a picture of something on your screen. Then you swipe up on the results to bring it up, and tap the “+ Add to your search” button. In this box you can add text to your photo query.

Here is a GIF of this in action but you should be able to try it yourself in English, in the United States:

multisearch dress

Here is a static image of the flow of how this works:

multisearch in lens heels

How is Google multisearch helpful. Google said this feature can help you narrow down your searches, here are some examples of how multisearch can be helpful.

  • Screenshot a stylish orange dress and add the query “green” to find it in another color
  • Snap a photo of your dining set and add the query “coffee table” to find a matching table  
  • Take a picture of your rosemary plant and add the query “care instructions”

MUM not yet in multisearch. Google made a comment in its blog post saying “this is made possible by our latest advancements in artificial intelligence, which is making it easier to understand the world around you in more natural and intuitive ways. We’re also exploring ways in which this feature might be enhanced by MUM– our latest AI model in Search– to improve results for all the questions you could imagine asking.”

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I asked Google if Google multisearch currently uses MUM and Google said no. For more on where Google uses MUM see our story on how Google uses artificial intelligence in search.

Available in US/English. This feature is live now for me, and should be available as a “beta feature in English in the U.S.” Google said. Google also recommended you try it with shopping searches.

Source: Google multisearch – search by image and text at the same time

New Google Attribute Helps Businesses Promote Sustainability

google recycling attribute

Google now allows businesses to display their commitment to environmentalism in their Google Business Profile.

This helps companies capitalize on growing eco-consciousness among consumers in the wake of concerns about climate change and sustainability.

Increasing Number Of Customers Value Eco-Consciousness

In a survey conducted by Google, 82% of consumers reported sustainability as a top priority when making purchasing decisions.

Reflecting this, it has seen “recycling” as one of its most popular searches, with an average popularity score of 81 out of 100.

Queries such as “climate change,” “sustainability,” and “renewable energy” have all also seen significant interest.

A 2021 report by Ipsos, the world’s third largest research company, found 68% of people believe that if businesses do not act now to combat climate change, they are failing their customers.

Companies Can Now Highlight Recycling Capabilities

Since the birth of the environmental movement in the 1970s, one of the key challenges has always been providing access to recycling services.

Recognizing the desire from customers, more businesses are now providing these services.

To help searchers find which stores recycle what and where, Google has added a new recycling attribute to Business Profiles, making it easier for people to find recycling points in search results and Google Maps.

Adding Recycling To Business Profiles

There are currently more than 3,000 Google Business Profile categories, with attributes falling into two classifications: subjective and factual.

Subjective attributes are things like whether a business is good for kids or is casual. These are sourced from the opinions of users who have reviewed the business.

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Whereas factual attributes, like recycling, are maintained by the business.

Adding recycling to a Google Business Profile requires only a few clicks. Start by navigating to the info tab and clicking on “From the business – Add attributes.”

Google Remains Committed To Sustainability

Google is not just encouraging other organizations to adopt green practices; the search engine has been carbon neutral since 2007 (the first major company to do so), with the goal of becoming completely carbon free by 2030.

From energy-efficient data centers, to contracts to create nearly 6 gigawatts of renewable energy worldwide, Google has entrenched itself in the sustainability movement.

Source: New Google Attribute Helps Businesses Promote Sustainability

Google may update business hours in local listings with AI

Google said that is can use machine learning and AI to update the business hours of local listings when the search company thinks the hours listed are inaccurate. Google wrote “we developed a machine learning model that automatically identifies if business hours are likely wrong, then instantly updates them with AI-generated predictions.”

Why do we care. This is why it is important to regularly, on a consistent basis, review your business hours listed for your business listing but in Google Business Profiles and how searchers see it listed in Google. If Google changes your business details and hours, you can quickly update it in Google Business Profiles. This is just good local SEO practice in general because your listing details may change through Google’s AI or other edits done by Google Local Guides or searcher’s suggested edits.

How it works. How does Google change your listing with machine learning? Google said it looks at multiple factors to determine if the hours listed for a local listing is accurate. These include:

  • When was the last time the business updated their business profile
  • What other local business hours are set to
  • The Popular Times information for that local listing (real user traffic)
  • Street View images look specifically for business hour signs on the door
Read more:  Weekly News: Google Updates Search Results For News Stories On Desktop

Then if there is conflicting information, Google may go ahead and update the hours automatically.

20 million businesses. Google said the company is on track to update the business hours of “over 20 million businesses around the globe in the next six months using AI.”

google maps business hours

Source: Google may update business hours in local listings with AI

Android antivirus apps caught spreading their own malware

Google has removed a number of fake Android antivirus apps from the Play Store after it was discovered they were being used as a vehicle for malware distribution.

According to cybersecurity experts from Check Point Research, the company responsible for the discovery, at least half a dozen antivirus apps available on the official Android marketplace were being used to spread banking malware. 

The apps in question are called:

  • Atom Clean-Booster, Antivirus
  • Antivirus, Super Cleaner
  • Alpha Antivirus, Cleaner
  • Powerful Cleaner, Antivirus
  • Center Security – Antivirus (two versions)

These malicious apps were carrying Sharkbot, a malware strain that steals passwords and banking information. It shares push notifications and offers up fake login prompts, through which users share their credentials with the attackers. 

Although all have since been removed from the Play Store, Check Point says they still remain active in unofficial markets. Android users who had downloaded the apps before they were removed are advised to uninstall them immediately.

Source: Android antivirus apps caught spreading their own malware

Top data and analytics trends for the digital-first marketer

digital marketing

As digital-first customer behavior accelerates, marketers have adopted equally critical mandates —customer satisfaction and growth. Because data is central to this dual mandate, we sought to understand how marketers use data to understand customers, build trusted relationships, optimize performance, and maximize the ROI of every investment.

Salesforce’s 3rd Marketing Intelligence Report reveals insights trends on data and analytics from 2,500+ marketers worldwide. Join us as we unpack how data has become central to marketing success.

Source: Top data and analytics trends for the digital-first marketer

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